Amtsgericht Dresden HRB 20337
Company Presentation
John Duperon
Jeffrey Oegema
Matías García
The content of this website has been carefully proofed with the best knowledge available. Nonetheless, Scionics Computer Innovation assumes no responsibility for the completeness, quality, or correctness of this website or any other website linked to it.
Copying, changing, distributing, or publishing the material and content of this website is not permitted. When not specifically mentioned, the text is copyrighted by Scionics Computer Innovation GmbH. The majority of the illustrations are copyrighted by Scionics Computer Innovation GmbH.
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All the pictures and illustrations used on the webpage as well as the illustrations have been created by Scionics Computer Innovation GmbH.
The following pictures are exceptions:
Picture in the section "PyRAT's Technical Requirements" is part of an original picture taken by Edgar Oliver.
Image used in section "PyRAT Transgenic Edition" is courtesy of Ronald Naumann, Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics, Dresden.
Any use of the media content provided on this site for which Scionics GmbH owns the rights should be requested and cleared beforehand.
The following resources have been used to improve the functionality of the site:
Pelican: Pelican is a static site generator that requires no database or server-side logic.
Tailwind: Tailwind CSS is an open-source CSS framework.